Issue 1, 2023

Editoriale · Editorial
Edizioni critiche · Critical editions:
– Scrittore stoico incerto, Opera incerta, PHerc. 1020, coll. 96-103. Edizione, introduzione e commento, a cura di Michele Alessandrelli, Graziano Ranocchia
– Philodemus, [History of the Eleatic and atomistic schools (?)], PHerc. 327: Edition, introduction and commentary, edited by Gertjan Verhasselt (Open Access);
Saggi · Essays:
– Enzo Puglia, Filodemo e la cerchia virgiliana a colloquio sui calunniatori (PHerc. Paris. 2, col. Z)
– Carlo Martino Lucarini, Il ciclo cosmico di Empedocle e l’esegesi del Papiro di Strasburgo (PStrasb. Gr. inv. 1665-1666)
– John Henry, Prodicus and Persaeus on the Gods
– Anna Di Giglio, Una lettera di Reinhold Merkelbach a Vittorio Bartoletti sui papiri ercolanesi
Discussioni · Discussions:
– Presocratics and Papyrological Tradition: A Philosophical Reappraisal of the Sources. Proceedings of the International Workshop held at the University of Trier (22-24 September 2016), edited by Christian Vassallo, Berlin-Boston, de Gruyter, 2019 («Studia Praesocratica», 10) (Benjamin Harriman)
– Philodemus, On Poems, Book 2. With the Fragments of Heracleodorus and Pausimachus, edited by Richard Janko, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020 («Philodemus Translation Series», 4) (Joëlle Biencourt)- Tom Wellmann, Die Entstehung der Welt. Studien zum Straßburger Empedokles-Papyrus, Berlin-Boston, de Gruyter, 2020 («Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte», 142) (Chiara Ferella)
– Plato’s Academy: Its Workings and Its History, edited by Paul Kalligas, Chloe Balla, Effie Baziotopoulou-Valavani, Vassilis Karasmanis, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020 (Harold Tarrant).